Pip and Pop Episodes

pip and pop have been through a lot about that

pop comforts pip and pip keeps pop not lonely and things

they speak to us even when they’re talking to each other, because they are us

we all have a pip to our pop, and sometimes we are all pip ok

you can watch them all down here

episode 14: they need dairy free dessert

episode 13: they explore the unknown

episode 12: they deal with an issue

episode 11: they dress up for all hallows eve

episode 10: they vent about work

episode 9: they enjoy the little things

episode 8: they discuss scary things

episode 7: they go with the flow

episode 6: they discuss their achievements

episode 5: they enjoy their ice cream

episode 4: they talk about their favorite day of the week

episode 3: they meet someone new

pip and pop finally get their sandwiches

episode 2: they find a box

episode 1: they tell us we’re pretty

episode 15: they observe nature

episode 16: they reflect on themselves

episode 17: they receive an early holiday gift

holiday special: they have a cozy celebration

pip and pop experience turbulence

pip and pop try the best sandwich in town