Welcome to the world of Pip and Pop. The feel is unnerving, the look is noisy, but the problems they deal with, and the feelings they feel, hit very close to home.
Although they may not sound like us, their words and their actions resonate with us.
Each episode has a different message that ties into our own world
Pip and Pop reminds us that emotions are universal.
episode 10: work
they vent about work
episode 9: enjoy the little things
we meet pips brother
episode 8: scary things
they discuss scary things
episode 7: not going anywhere
they are not going anywhere
episode 6: achievements
they discuss their achievements
episode 5: ice cream
they enjoy their ice cream
episode 4: day of the week
They talk about their favorite day of the week
episode 2: found a box
they find a box
episode 3: meet someone new
they meet someone new
episode 1: someone pretty
they tell us we’re pretty
Make it stand out.